
Module 3


Create Your Logo, Tagline, Title Tagline & Brand Statement

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Create Your Logo, Tagline, Title Tagline & Brand Statement

Your Objectives for This Masterclass:

  1. Watch Video
  2. Complete Part 3 Of Your “Design Clarity Kit” Workbook 
  3. Design Your Personal Brand Logo
  4. Craft Your Personal Brand Tagline, Title Tag And Personal Brand Hero Statement
  5. Update Your Brand Identity Document To Add Your Final Visual Brand Elements 


This next step will finalise your visual branding assets to ensure you will be ready to launch a world-class signature personal brand in Module 4.

Designing A Personal Brand Logo is something that not many people think of when building their personal brands.  

You might be wondering… “Isn’t a logo just meant for businesses, companies, and organisations?”

Well, most companies have a logo that signifies what they stand for – so why should not you!  

You are a walking logo for your brand! 

You will also create your own title tag, tagline and personal brand hero statement to make you instantly recognisable.

The strategies in this masterclass will amplify your online presence and image and help you position yourself with more authority and influence.

Skip this step, and you will miss out on the full impact and power you can create with your personal brand.   

This is an exciting part of your brand success formula journey!

So, embrace it!  

To your success,


Create Your Logo, Tagline, Title Tagline & Brand Statement Transcript


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PC: Right Click to Download


Design Clarity Kit Workbook



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